The above example Grid Reference is fully specified to 1m accuracy; ie. both Easting and Northing values are specified using 5 digits. Grid References read off OS Maps are often only specified to the nearest 100m using just 3 digits for both Easting and Northing values; for example TG 457 867
In this app you may locate Grid References to the accuracy that suits you. At 10km, 1km, 100m, 10m or 1m accuracy. For example...
Which ever level of accuracy you choose to use you MUST use the same number of digits to specify both Easting and Northing
We ignore any <spaces> you enter in a Grid Reference. So, you can use spaces as you see fit to seperate the parts of a Grid Ref. to make things easier to enter. For example; TG4567887654 can also be entered as TG 4567887654 or TG 45678 87654. Each of these examples are treated as identical.
Remember to include relevant leading 0`s in all your Eastings and Northings. For example TG 912 129 is a very different location to TG 00912 00129!!!
what3words is a simple way to talk about location.
what3words have assigned each 3m square in the world a unique 3 word address that will never change. For example ///filled.count.soap marks the exact entrance to what3words’ London headquarters.
3 word addresses are easy to say and share, and are as accurate as GPS coordinates. 51.520847, -0.19552100 ←→ /// filled.count.soap
Please Note - Bridge clearance heights are quoted as the vertical distance from High Water level to the underside of the bridge. High Water level used is the average, summertime, High Water. Where the bridge is an Arched Bridge, the clearance height is given for the centre of the Arch.
Make sure you know the headroom (air draught) your boat needs before trying to get under a bridge. This is the distance between the waterline and the topmost part of your boat.
Check the advance bridge gauge or clearance boards to see what clearance you have available and whether your boat will pass through
MOST hire boats are REQUIRED use the bridge pilot - available 8.30 am - 6.00 pm. Passage depends on tide and weather conditions. Tel: 01692 670460
MOST hire boats are REQUIRED use the bridge pilot - please refer to your boat manual. Make sure the back of your boat is clear of the bridge before you turn
You are free to make use of these maps and data to best suit your own needs...
Originally, created as a desktop app, to produce a printable Map and list of Vehicle Access Points for the Broads Northern Rivers; included as an appendix for the RYA Manual of a local RYA Training Centre.
It was recently suggested that it may be useful to make this info more widely available
Consequently, I have produced this Web App, extending data to also cover the Broads Southern Rivers. And, I've included many of the Broads Free Public moorings along with a few popular moorings where moorings fees may apply.
The Map provides an easy way of obtaining geographic coordinates and
what.3.words locations for points of interest to users as `decimal` Lat/Lng (Google), `d mm.mmm` Lat/Lng and Ordnance Survey Grid References ex. TG 79151 14030 (1m accuracy)
© 2018-2020 - ByTS - All rights reserved
I've tried to present accurate data on the Map (E&OE). However, others may know better.
If you have any issues with the data, accuracy, ommissions or stuff shown here that, perhaps, shouldn`t be. Feel free to raise an issue
You can email me
Stuff about postcode